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Sharing Your Gifts - Channelled 26.05.2018

Sharing your innate gifts serves global as well as personal evolution.

The purpose of your strenghts and talents and their expression, is a natural part of Self-realisation. ie. Soul - your inner Source of Creation - manifesting it's self as who you are.

You have a divine duty to yourself - to soul - and therefore to the soul of your communities - your inner and outer circles - to share these sacred spices of the unique essences of who you are. Your gifts are tied to your passions and your strengths so that you may enjoy expressing them. (nb. some of those strengths have been taken as shortcomings based on the misguided conceptions imposed upon you by the outside in/upside down societies most of you live in and subscribe to)

"God" is Love. S/he actually designed you and equipped you with tools to make your journey here colourful, interesting, fascinating, expansive and or howsoever you choose.

Sadly the societies you live in were not designed - by those who designed them - to foster and support the development of your gifts from birth - or even prebirth - so the action of stepping out and sharing your passion, of spreading the sweetness of your sauce, is often preceeded by varying degrees of discomfort, negative self-talk, rejection, nay-saying, shame... and a string of other ill-feeling emotions I'm sure you can all name with ease.

Going through these uncomfortable emotions to the other side, rather than avoiding them, are your tonic... your sacred medicine... medicine required to help fortify and sustain you at your next level.

You brought your gifts here to help yourself and others to shine bright throughout life.

You brought your spice to add colour and flavour to mine ...You brought your sauce to sweeten our world's pot.

You didn't bring it for fame and earthly fortune yet those often come when you step through the "challenges" into the fire and allow your minds bodies and spirits to be fortified.


Seah Wraye


Feb 01, 2023

💖💖💖💖 ThanK You

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