Shamanic healing involves the shaman journeying to non-ordinary realities on your behalf, to access soul medicine for restoring personal power to support and enrich your life. Shamanic healing incorporates numerous methods of restoring health.
Methods include:
Soul retrieval, Object extractions, Ancestral healing, Divination, Mediumship, curse Unravelling, Soothsaying and Attachment Release (also known as Compassionate depossession).
As a shamanic healing practitioner, my work is always spirit-led. I divine healing on behalf of clients as directed by the divinities and spirit allies who work through me to bring spiritual medicine to the client. It is common for more than one healing method to be used during a session. In some cases more than one session may be required in order to fully attend to a malady.
Successful healing via shamanic methods requires a genuine personal desire and commitment to heal one's self and personal life. Soul healing continues to integrate into the physical, well after a session is completed and is supported and accelerated by one's commitment to engaging with the divined recommendations which accompany your healing.
Shamanic healing heals our maladies at their Source, rather than merely treats or manages symptoms.


Coaching with Seah is a 1-2-1 soul-centred, spirit-lead, interactive and individually-choreographed journey into personal expansion through deeper self-exploration and healing with Seah as your personal co-pilot.
This is a journey for individuals seeking support with their spiritual development. Individuals requiring more personal one to one guidance to support their expansion. Soul's call for a coach often starts to amplify while one is experiencing significant personal changes, disruptions and challenges which you feel unable to overcome alone.
This journey requires personal commitment. We each have sole personal autonomy and responsibility for our spiritual, mental and physical health and wellbeing,
Coaching with Seah fosters self-empowerment and independence
This is a most rewarding journey, during which will be well held , however not spoon-fed.
divination & readings

One of the most satisfying aspects of my work is divining on behalf of others, whether that's channelling messages or spiritual shamanic healing on behalf of clients, to support you in your daily lives.

space healing &
It's not unusual to work with a client who also requires the clearing of misplaced energies or spirits attached to their home or work space. In such cases I usually perform rituals and psychopomp work to heal and clear these energies remotely or by attending the space in person - this depends on the directions of my attending spirit allies.
We support suffering ("stuck") spirits which are reluctant to move on - often due to fear, confusion, guilt and other types of personal attachments - to transcend, This is referred to as psychopomp.
Suffering spirits can create a parasite/host dynamic between itself and physical bodies and contribute to the manifestation of unhealthy personal, physical and environmental interferences to varying degrees.


The shamanic practitioner's role requires a lifetime of practice, training, initiations and personal sacrifice. therefore her services are traditionally highly valued by the community and a financial, material or energetic exchange is required for services rendered by the shaman.
The practitioner's preparation and decompression time (outside of the client healing sessions) is also quite time-intensive and energetically demanding. This is reflected in the shaman's requests in exchange for her services.
Travel expenses are always covered by the client.
Payments via PayPal and other online payment systems often incur additional charges.
Please get in touch if you are deeply drawn to working with me but unable to afford my charges. My work is always Spirit- led and we are happy to discuss payment arrangements if you are experiencing genuine financial difficulties.
Our creative and financial challenges are often rooted in the spiritual and therefore tend to require spiritual healing to restore material balance and flow to our personal life.
Where relevant, payment arrangements must be mutually agreed and completed prior to the related session.

“It is the loving intent of the healer and the inherent willingness of the individual soul to shift - that provides the perfect combination to open the pathway to healing”
Elder Malidoma Some