The shamanic practitioner's role requires a lifetime of training, initiation, personal sacrifice and daily practice. therefore her services are traditionally highly valued by the community and a financial, material or energetic exchange is required for services rendered by the shaman.
The practitioner's preparation and decompression time (outside of the client healing sessions) is also quite time-intensive and energetically demanding. this is reflected in the shaman's request in exchange for her offerings.
*Travel expenses are always covered by the client.
*Payments via Paypal and other online payment systems incur additional charges.
*Please get in touch if you are deeply drawn to working with me but unable to afford my charges. My work is always Spirit- led and we are happy to discuss payment arrangements if you are experiencing genuine financial difficulties.
*Our creative and financial challenges are OFTEN rooted in the spiritual and therefore require spiritual healing to restore material balance and flow into your life.
*Payment arrangements must be mutually agreed and completed prior to our first session.