All I have is Now
Every moment is fleeting.
Every moment, witnessed or missed becomes unhinged
Revisited only via one's memory of one's insperience of it
To have my head my mind my thoughts filled with fears, worries, thoughts of "shoulds" or "should nots" makes me fucking claustrophobic and robs Me of too much
Too much treasure
Too much pleasure
Yet when I let go to the free ness and light ness of what I am
I am considered insensitive
I am considered cold
When I let go
Fires blaze
River banks of Sweet Waters break
Tornadoes rail
Wildly Sweetly Seductively Excitingly Painfully
Leaving egoic highways of bones, ash and dust in my wake
When I try to hold on
When I try to steer the direction of my wild Spirits' songs
The bows still break
Under the forces of these immortal winds of change
Forests still blaze
Sweet Water banks still break
I am still deemed
I am still deemed cold "Unkind" "inconsiderate"
So I straddle a line
I stand at another threshold
To move in any direction is to die
To stand still here I shall also surely die
So I stand and I move to feed my Spirits
My responsibility is to re-member not to have or to hold on to whatsoever needs to go
Who else will walk the lengths and breaths of my journey besides me?
No body. My Ancestors My Divinities... My Rods and My Staffs - My Bones. They are my eternal journey companions. They guide and comfort me while Eye navigate ...fleeting inFinity
by Seah Wraye ©️