Love, in He/r many faces and phases lives, experiences, expresses, plays, witnesses He/rself through us "as" us.
Love's unlimited, S/he's a lot, to say the least, to channel. Know that you're built for He/r - created by He/r for He/r. Love
Allowing He/r - Love - in, to embody and flow through you is no mean feat.
Parts must sometimes be broken to be opened to release and to endure healing, to precede He/r coming in.
Hahaaa! You've healed now. S/he's here.
Feels weird huh? That absence of resistances...?
Take your time. Get used to it. You're recalibrating to He/r "new" infinitely timeless frequencies. inJoy He/r. Love. Trust yourself.
How will you know that Love is here?
You'll now know because you now trust Yourself - your knowIn', implicitly.
Through my spirituo-personal processes and experiences I become a staff and a station of support for a few to use during such stages of your life and way beyond.
Trust knowing.
Warmest Loves,